Day 22: Resting before the next adventure...

 Some Numbers:
States we've been through: 15
Books we've listened to: 15
Days traveling: 21
Number of nights the kids have gone to bed after 11:00 p.m.: too many to count
 Today we slept in.  After a late breakfast, we headed down to the river for one more adventure.  The water seemed colder today, but that's probably because it wasn't nearly as hot outside.  The weather has been beautiful the past couple of days.  Joey was shivering so much, he tried to lay out on this rock.  New Hampshire has been beautiful.  It has been so wonderful to see this part of the country, especially since it gave the kids the chance to spend so much time in nature.  I love that we now know the White Mountains and the Green Mountains well.  The weather has been all over the place, which has actually been fun.  We've had heat, storms, cold, and beautiful days!  It has been wonderful spending so much time with Papa and Grammy in such beautiful country.  

It's hard to believe that we're only three weeks into our adventure.  Tomorrow we are off to Boston for a week of exploring!


  1. It feels like you have been gone forever already! LOL!


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