Day 59: Perfect Day at the Cascades, then headed back to Anaheim

 There are some traditions that are hard for me to break.  Despite other life changes, I can't get away from Yosemite.  The nature here has my heart, and is one reason I like California.  I was disappointed to think that we wouldn't get here this year, but when I realized it didn't make that much of a timing difference coming home, and we'd be coming when dear friends would be up here, it was a no brainer.  We packed up in Lee Vining and headed up the Tioga Pass.  It was  a beautiful day, but thunder showers were predicted for the afternoon.  I've hiked this hike probably 30 times over my life, but was SHOCKED this year when they changed the trail.  After figuring out what they did, it made sense, but totally threw me off.  We first took our traditional picture, but had to use self timer so the angle was slightly different.  Then after about thirty minutes we started to hear thunder.  We were starting to pack up, when Annie and her family and extended family showed up! Yay!  But then, it started hailing! So we all huddled under the trees for a while till it stopped.  Thankfully, it did stop and then the rain held off for quite a while so the kids were able to play.  It was an adventure of a day, but my heart was full getting to meet little Ransom and spend time with friends at our favorite spot.
 That is HAIL falling in front of his face.

 Hail balls!
 Can't miss mono cone!
 We originally planned to stay the night somewhere and then drive back on Wednesday, but when we realized it was only a 5-6 hour drive, we decided to just drive!  No reason to spend money on a hotel when Anaheim was so close!  So we drove back and got in at about 12:30 a.m.


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