Day 49: Saying Good-bye to Friends and Family, LONG Drive to Ohio!
We said good-bye to the Feduks this morning. We had such a great time staying with them! We then headed to pick up Bradley and go to a special forces museum with him. The museum was very well done. Joey kept running up to him to hold his hand, and I kept trying to get his picture, but never got a perfect one.
We left Bradley then started the long haul drive from Fort Bragg to Cincinnati, Ohio area. The trip took us about 10 hours. We added the state of West Virginia! We went through the Blue Ridge Mountains too. We barely made it in time to get to the capitol building in Charleston for a good picture. I wish we could have seen the inside of this building. It was beautifully positioned on the river. One thing we have come to rely on (and I never thought I'd say this) is McDonald's. Cheap and good coffee for Chris, and $1 McChickens and burgers when it's late and we still haven't figured out dinner.
A monument to Lincoln, who made West Virginia a state during the Civil War.
Our gracious hosts were happy to see us, even when we arrived close to 12:30 in the morning! Can't wait to spend time with you Hulshults!
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