Day 18: Independence Day in Lincoln and Woodstock

 It's been HOT and humid!  (Although the humidity doesn't really seem to bother me too much).  So, for Independence Day we started at the Pemigewassat River.  

 Do you see the large tree across the path?  Well, Joey didn't.  He was looking straight at the ground and ran right into it!  I burst out laughing and declared, "I'm so mad at you mommy," which made me laugh again!  He got over it once he got to the river.
 We went to the next town for a parade and Rotary Club BBQ.  The kids were happy to get their hot dogs and burgers.  The parade was very small town fun.  They threw out tons of candy, but being so hot, they also threw out otter pops.  One store that had a float even gave out watermelon chunks and frozen pineapple chunks!

 After the parade, we headed back to the river.  This time we went to the rapids side and the kids enjoyed floating down the faster current.

 After the river, we went back to the town for an open-air concert at Soldier's Park.  The concert was wonderful!

 This monument was amazing.  It was dedicated in 1901 to soldiers from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War.  It was so interesting to see family names throughout all of the wars.

 Fireworks at the local park then sparklers back at the hotel!


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