Day 9: "Jiffy" Factory Tour and Time with Family

 Being farther north, we are experiencing what it's like to have the sun stay out much later!  The kids have been going to bed much later than at home, but yay for summer!  We're also sleeping in much more than we usually do.  Today we went to the "Jiffy" factory with Mandy and the girls for a factory tour.  In Southern CA we have "Jiffy" corn muffins, but I had no idea that they had so many other products!  We were given lovely hair nets to protect the products during the tour :)

 Joey and Carly are kindred spirits.   They both have so many stories to share and had so much drawing pictures together.
 Making friendship bracelets!
 The boys have thoroughly enjoyed getting to play video games! They said it requires team work.
 Making Jiffy brownies!  They were very yummy!


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